Lawn Care Search Engine Optimization

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Organic SEO is the right blend for long term success

Just like picking the right blend of grass seed, SEO can be confusing! Some people think its a one time thing done to a website. Some people think its ongoing content development, link building and listing management. Guess what?  It’s both!

Generating leads and sales with SEO

A Little Look under the hood

We implement several pieces of tracking code so we can identify where people are and what they’re doing while on your site.  It also allows us to determine which campaigns are successful, what people are searching, identifying best and worst performing content and see where people are leaving your site.

HTML and XML sitemaps help your user and search engine crawlers easily navigate your website while robots.txt files tell search engines what should and shouldn’t appear in their indexes.
Each page must have a unique title, description and keywords and even though you may not realize it, you see them all the time. It’s what Google displays in everyone of their search results.

Your website needs an internal linking strategy so that in addition to the standard top navigation, users are able to natrually flow through your site and sales proces.

Another highly importact factor not only for SEO, but visual design, is correctly using heading tags of different sizes in ways that contain keywords but don’t detract from the user experience.

Did you change your available services?  Page redirects tell search engines where content has moved or if it’s been deleted directs them to another page instead.

Content drives seo

Blogging is your high octane SEO fuel

Blogging, or consistent content creation, is the core of a great SEO strategy.  In addition to creating fresh content, it helps establish you as a leader in lawn care.  Google rewards great content with better rankings and better rankings lead to more traffic, leads and sales.

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How do we succeed with Lawn Care SEO?

Build the site correctly

From the ground up, your site is built with industry best practices from data base structure, security, content delivery to clean code.  Without that, all other efforts won’t be as effective as they can be.

Target the correct keywords

In addition to making sure we target all of the services you offer correctly, along with the areas you provide service, we’ll also identify unique, long-tail keywords that Google loves to help people find your site.

Directory listings and other citations

There’s hundreds of directories out there beyond Google, Bing and Angie’s List.  We’ll not only find out which listings your on, but which ones your competitors are on.  Then we’ll execute a plan to ensure you’re found everywhere you need to be.

Continuous Improvement & Competition Monitoring

SEO strategies are long-term and very dependent on the level of competition in an area, so we constantly monitor not just your lawn care company, but all the ones in your area.  As they make adjustments, we’ll know and be ready.