Lawn Care Digital Advertising (PPC)

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Quickly generate leads for your lawn care business

Leads, leads, leads. All your marketing efforts are designed to generate quality leads – people looking for your service with the ability and desire to purchase.  The great thing about digital advertising is the time to launch and see results from a campaign is minimal.  Leveraging platforms like Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook, Instagram and more, visitors can start landing on your site immediately.

Building a Successful PPC Campaign

It’s the little things That make a big difference

Everything begins with correctly structuring your account with specific campaigns, keywords, ad groups and variations that allow for fine tuning every campaign.  This fine tuning allows us to target lead generation to the services that are most profitable at any given time.

The quality score is built on multiple factors including your click-through rate (CTR), relevance of each keyword to its ad group, the quality of the landing page, the relevance of your ad text and your past performance.  Simply, like a credit score, the higher your score, the lower your costs and better your Return on Investment (ROI).

Responsive ads use Google’s Machine Learning Technology to combine up to 15 headlines and 4 descriptions into over 43,600 possible combinations that are automatically tested.  With all those options, its critical to create the correct headlines and descriptions to give Google the chance to shine!

Site link extensions allow you to promote additional landing pages below your standard ad, increasing the amount of real estate you get on the search results page.  In addition to increasing your ad size, they also allow searchers to go directly to more pages, likely increasing your click-through rate.

Negative keywords are simply a way of eliminating keywords that aren’t driving results which improves click-through rates, allows us to create more relevant ad groups, and most importantly, saves money!

Not only will we use thoroughly researched and tested campaigns, we’ll monitor your competitors and national leaders on a regular basis.

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What are the key platforms we use?

Google Search

These are the grand-daddy of them all.  They can put your business on the first page of Google for each of your services and most often drive great results.  Think of it this way – if someone takes the time to type in “lawn maintenance near me”, there’s probably a reason and you want to be there.

Google Local

Local Services ads help you connect with people who search on Google for the services you offer. Your ads will show up for customers in your service area, and you only pay if a customer calls you directly through the ad – usually a no-brainer!

Google Remarketing

You may not recognize the name, but you know remarketing ads.  Ever notice how shortly after you’ve been on a website, all of a sudden ads for that site end up everywhere?  That’s remarketing.  It’s a great tool for helping keep prospects moving through your sales funnel.

Bing and Yahoo Search Ads

Simply the little brothers to Google.  There’s definitely a place for them because even though they general have lower overall search numbers, their costs are also generally lower.

Facebook Ads

With six different formats, Facebook ads can show a single image, a video and more.  With people spending hours a day on Facebook, it can be great for brand building, remarketing and lower cost services like lawn care.


Depending on your service mix, there are other platforms that we can leverage to maximize your ad spend suck as LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and more.